Name of the project: “Euro Med The Flying Classroom”, Project No ALF/CFP/2020/ICD/68

Period of implementation: 21.10.2020г. – 31.08.2021г.

Funded by: Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for Dialogue between Cultures (ALF)

The Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for Dialogue between Cultures (ALF) was officially established in April 2005, and has its Headquarters in Alexandria, Egypt. Recognized as a unique institution, it fulfils an intercultural mission to promote knowledge, mutual respect and exchange between the peoples of the region, in the framework of the EuroMed Partnership. The Foundation works as a Network of 42 national Networks, gathering over four thousand civil society organizations, playing the role of a facilitator to bring people together, promoting dialogue between cultures, nurturing shared universal values, supporting the participation of citizens in building open and inclusive societies, and fostering the human dimension of the EuroMed Partnership.

The project partners are 3 Non-governmental organizations: The lead partner is Alliance for Regional and Civil Initiatives (ARCI), Bulgaria. The organization implements the project in partnership with Tunisian Association for Cultural Action (ATAC), Tunisia; The Economic Research and Social Solidarity Foundation of the Balkan Immigrants (BISAV), Turkey.

The overall Aim of the project is to encourage intercultural awareness and mutual understanding among the young people of the Euro-Med region, through innovation educational methods, so they have respect to the culture specifics and to exchange common values. The mixing of people from all cultures, faiths and countries has always existed, yet today’s world sees it occurring more frequently and in greater numbers. The project will provide collaboration to promote intercultural dialogue.

Specific Objective

  • Enhancing intercultural dialog and promotion of cultural diversity among young people in Euro – Mediterranean region, including minorities and people with disabilities.
  • Sharing intercultural experience and resources as well as transfer of know-how
  • Using innovative tools and methods for cultural education

Direct beneficiaries of the project are:

  • Formal and non – formal educators – 15
  • Children and youths at the age between 11-18 years old – 900 (300 children per country), of which children with disabilities 90 (30 children per country) and minority groups -30 (10 children per country).

Indirect beneficiaries are:

  • Families and relatives of the students involved in the activities.
  • Representatives of civil society.
  • Local stakeholders

The project activities:

  1. Training of Coordinators of project partners;
  1. Elaboration of “Methodology of development of lessons in five thematic areas: such as history, archeology, national cultural traditions, incl. traditional cuisine, music, dance, customs, art, craft etc.
  2. Preparation of summary content of 15 lessons in a virtual encyclopedia “Euro Med The Flying Classroom”
  3. Organization of focus groups with the representatives of target groups.
  4. Testing of the developed lessons with children and young people in different thematic areas according to the developed methodology, including discussion with the children;
  5. Organizing and conducting an information campaign to promote the support of the Anna Lindh Foundation for the achieved goals, activities and results.
  6. Organization and management activities

Expected results:

  • Elaborated “Methodology for conducting lessons to students” in Bulgaria, Turkey and Tunisia.
  • Conducted training and coordinators of project partners.
  • Created a virtual encyclopedia “Euro Med The Flying classroom”. The electronic edition will be available in Bulgarian, Turkish, Arabic and French.
  • Conducted 3 focus groups and 15 teachers familiar with the importance of intercultural dialogue and the methodology for conducting lessons for intercultural awareness;
  • 900 children took part in lessons on cultural awareness and diversity