- „Study on the state of cultural and historical heritage in Kirklareli province (Turkey)“ from here
- „Study of cultural and historical heritage in Hasovo region (Bulgaria)“ from here
- List of the studied site in Haskovo region in Bulgarian language from here
- Methodology for assessment of the potential of the resources in Haskovo region in Bulgarian language from here
- Assessment matrix of tourist resources and sites in Haskovo District in Bulgarian language from here
- Summary of the Conception for development of cultural resources in the region Haskovo - Kirklarelifrom here
- Measures for effective promotion of tourist routes from here
- Measures for effective restoration and transformation of tourist attractions from here
- „A study and mapping of the tourist sites and resources of the region Silistra – Calarasi”
- "General marketing strategy and identification of marketing gaps"
- Best practices of alternative tourism from here
- Guidelines for organisation of promotional tours from here
- Guidelines for organisation and conducting of cross-border cycling tour along the Danube from here
- “Analysis and Manual for incorporation of modern European standards for Human resources management in the policy of SMEs in the cross-border region Blagoevgrad - Kumanovo” – download from here
- Methodology for identification of discouraged and inactive people in - Bulgaria; -Macedonia.
- "Needs analysis in the Manufacturing sector in the cross-border region Blagoevgrad - Kumanovo and Good practices in human resources management" – download from here
- "Study of the needs and requirements of competence, professional qualifications and educational level of the workforce at the corporate level in the cross - border region Haskovo-Edirne – download from here
- “Study of the level of qualification of human resources in the sphere of tourism in the cross-border region Bulgaria - Macedonia” – download from here
- Manual Organic Farming – download from here
- Organic Farming Needs Assessment – download from here