Project name: “Together we can do more”
Period of implementation: 01.08.2007 to 01.02.2008
Funded by: the MATRA/KAP programme.
Activities included the supply of equipment and furnishing of office at the school “Dimcho Debelyanov”, functioning as a day center for children with special needs. Psychologist, physical therapist, speech therapist, social pedagogue and resource teacher offer daily specialized care for children and their families. We organized a one-day round table for the presentation of innovative models and measures for active social inclusion of children. We organized the provision of services in a way that gives both specific care and social interaction. Parents were motivated participants in the work. We conducted training seminars with a wide range of stakeholders: parents, teachers of kindergartens and schools, municipal officials, pediatricians media. Thanks to close cooperation with the municipality and teachers from all schools in Ihtiman, we established sectoral committee that continue the work of the children’s center for children with special needs after completion of project financing.