Project name: “Introducing of new forms for intercultural education in “Zdravets” Kindergarten, Ihtiman”

Period of implementation: 30.09.2014 – 30.06.2015

Funded by: Center for Educational Integration of Children and students from ethnic minorities

Lead partner: “Zdravets” Kindergarten, Ihtiman, Partner: Association “ARCI”

The general objective of the project aims at inclusion in the educational system and active work with children from ethnic minorities through ensuring of access to quality education in varied multicultural environment.

The implementation of project activities will support the process of integration of children from the Roma minority and the preservation and development of their cultural identity and to transform the ethno-cultural diversity in a source for joint respect and acquaintance.

The specific objectives of the project are:

  • Development of the capacity of pedagogical personnel for application in the course of education of interactive training forms in multicultural environment;
  • Acquisition of knowledge and skills by children on the cultural originality of minorities with focus on Roma minority;
  • Improved living conditions in multicultural society through encouraged skills of young people for intercultural communication;
  • Support of the process of integration through attracting, inclusion and successful retention of Roma children in kindergartens.

The project is aimed at:

  • Children from ethnic minorities in “Zdravets” Kindergarten aged 3-6 years;
  • Parents of children of multicultural environment aged 3-6 years;
  • Teachers and assistant-educators of “Zdravets” Kindergarten.

Achieved results:

  1. Conducted training for enhancing of teachers’ qualification in “Zdravets” Kindergarten;
  2. Conducted classes under the method “Educational theatre” – at least 16 classes;
  3. Conducted music and dance games, painting classes, exposition and exhibitions, pedagogic cases, etc. aimed at preservation of the cultural identity – at least 15;
  4. Conducted thematic atelier “Small, greater and greatest talents” – 1;
  5. Conducted children tolerance parties – 6;
  6. Prepared and issued handbook “Tolerance in workdays and holidays”;
  7. Conducted closing press-conference with topic “Challenges and results of the team work in integrating children”;
  8. Increased capacity of pedagogical personnel for working in multicultural environment and application of different forms of intercultural education;
  9. Active interpersonal communication – awareness of the “difference” as uniqueness;
  10. Increased communication – enhanced communication skills, development of analytic and creative thinking;
  11. Acquired notion of tolerant behavior by children and positive attitude towards different children.