Our Mission
Our work over the years-
Global Education – „World from our Doorstep“ project
Within the project implementation were developed different resource materials for teachers and pupils.
Opening of the logistics center to support entrepreneurship in the city of Silistra
The center is a modern building located near the Green Zone "Danube garden”.
The movie “Zdravei – Merhaba”
The movie is a 15 min. “business card” of the cross-border region Haskovo – Kirklareli.
Module for online training in Hotel and Restaurant management
ARCI developed an e-training for part of profession.
Module for online computer literacy training
Online training is the new challenge that ARCI is facing.
Interactive map for active tourism
ARCI starts elaborating of full tourist packages.
Methodology «Educational theater»
We developed a methodology for the status quo exchange between the ethnicity communities through
Trainings are speeding up……
The activity of VTC to ARCI started with training of 119 employees.
Vocational Training Centre (VTC) to ARCI
ARCI has a licensed VTC providing training for 31 professional fields in 56 specialties.
Our birth date
ARCI starts implementing its mission. (more…)
Completed projects
Achieved resultsUpcoming events
"Touch the World" Happening in ARCI Center, Silistra
In the framework of the project "Touch the World - Global Citizen Education for the youngest", Contract No. 2019 BUL 3, funded under the BRIDGE 47 Global Project, ARCI-Center, Silistra will open doors for various and interesting events. On 14.06.2019. (Thursday) at 10:00, ARCI's experts will present the project's objectives and activities to the local community. Through interactive methods, games, case studies, discussions, etc., the participants will get familiar with the principles, methods and approaches in implementing Global civic education. Participants in the training will be representatives of educational institutions, the private sector, NGOs, parents and others. On 15.06.2019. from 10:00 until 16:30 ARCI Center will be a place for games, entertainment, lots of laughter and music. The Center opens its doors for a massive one-day event - "Touch the World" Happening. The program includes: 10:00 - 10:30 Dance performance 10:45 - 12:15 A fairytale studio 13: 00-14: 30 Theatrical Workshop "The Island of Treasures" 14:40 - 15:30 Art Workshop "In the Dinosaur World" 15:30 - 16:30 Learning through sport (zumba party for all) Come and take with you the whole family! Good mood is guaranteed! WE ARE EXPECTING YOU!
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Upcoming transnational project meeting in Sofia
In November 2018, the ARCI's team will host the third consecutive transnational project meeting of the partners on the project "DEE - Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in Pre-Primary Education and Care: A Gender Perspective", funded by the European Commission under Erasmus +, K2 : Strategic partnerships in school education. On the meeting will be discussed the progress of the project and its intellectual outputs.
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Information day of the development will at ARCI Logistics center in Silistra
On 28.06.18 in the ARCI Logistics center for entrepreneurship development in Silistra city will be held an Information Day of Development. The event is related to the implementation of a series of initiatives from the Bulgarian Platform for International Development (BPID), in which ARCI participates, in connection with the priorities of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU. Such meetings will take place in 28 Bulgarian cities. Each of the events aims to deepen the knowledge and understanding of civil society about the national and European development cooperation policies, the role of the EU in the implementation of the United Nations Programme for Sustainable Development by 2030 as well as the participation of our country in this process.
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Conducting lessons on intercultural awareness
Activity 4” Conducting lessons with children and young people in different themes according to the booklet” , project "Different cultures - Common Values", Contract № ALF / CFP / 2015 / EDU / 91, funded by ANNA LINDH EURO-MEDITERRANEAN FOUNDATION FOR DIALOGUE BETWEEN CULTURES (ALF) has started, following the elaborated for the project’s purposes “Methodology for conducting lessons for intercultural awareness for students aged 14-18 years." The lessons are focused on multicultural and global education for teenagers. From the lessons, children from Bulgaria, Turkey, Cyprus and Tunisia will learn about the culture, traditions and lifestyle of their peers from the other three partner countries. They will create materials for presenting the way they see their culture and tradition so as to make them more understandable, more interesting and appealing to their foreign peers. This way will promote intercultural dialogue, mutual understanding, acceptance of "the other" and the share of common values among young people of the Euro-Mediterranean region. The results of the activities (both in Bulgaria and in partner countries - Turkey, Cyprus and Tunisia) will be summarized and published in a catalog for the exchange of information and best practices for promoting intercultural cooperation and dialogue. For more information, please contact us at: tel. +359 2 944 63 89 or email: OFFICE@ARCI-NGO.ORG