Име на проекта: “EURO MED Летящата класна стая”, Договор № ALF/CFP/2020/ICD/68

Период на изпълнение: 21.10.2020г. – 31.08.2021г.

Финансиран от: Фондация за Евро-средиземноморски междукултурен диалог „Анна Линд”. Фондацията e създадена през април 2005 г. със седалище в Александрия, Египет. Тя изпълнява междукултурна мисия за насърчаване на знания, взаимно уважение и обмен между народите на региона, в рамките на партньорството EuroMed. Ораганизацията работи като мрежа от 42 национални мрежи, събиращи над четири хиляди организации на гражданското общество, насърчавайки диалога между културите, споделяйки универсални ценности, подкрепяйки участието на гражданите в изграждането на отворени и приобщаващи общества и насърчаване на човешкото измерение на Евро-средиземноморското партньорство.

Проектът се изпълни от 3 неправителствени организации:  Водещ партньор е „Алианс за регионални и граждански инициативи” (АРГИ), България. Сдружението изпълнява проекта в партньорство с „Тунизийска асоциация за културни дейности“, Тунис; „Фондация на балканските имигранти за стопанско проучване и социално подпомагане“, Турция.


Name of the project: “Euro Med The Flying Classroom”, Project No ALF/CFP/2020/ICD/68

Period of implementation: 21.10.2020г. – 31.08.2021г.

Funded by: Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for Dialogue between Cultures (ALF)

The Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for Dialogue between Cultures (ALF) was officially established in April 2005, and has its Headquarters in Alexandria, Egypt. Recognized as a unique institution, it fulfils an intercultural mission to promote knowledge, mutual respect and exchange between the peoples of the region, in the framework of the EuroMed Partnership. The Foundation works as a Network of 42 national Networks, gathering over four thousand civil society organizations, playing the role of a facilitator to bring people together, promoting dialogue between cultures, nurturing shared universal values, supporting the participation of citizens in building open and inclusive societies, and fostering the human dimension of the EuroMed Partnership. (more…)

Name of the project: Touch the World – Global Citizenship Education for the youngest

Period of implementation: February – May 2019

Funded by: The global project “Bridge 47”

Overall objective: By assisting the pedagogical specialists in acquiring new knowledge and skills  needed to support sustainable development, including through: sustainable development education and global citizenship  education.. The  project is related to enhance the capacity of pedagogical specialists from school and pre-school education, local producers, craftsmen and parents to apply approaches to Global Citizenship education in children aged 4-8

The project provides an information campaign and training for the pedagogical specialists in pre-school and primary education with the joint participation of representatives of the Business  sector and parents. The planned activities are the following :

  • Activity 1Information campaign” among the population in Silistra municipality to promote the project idea and the the concept of GCE.
  • Activity 2Conduction of training” Through interactive methods, role plays, case solving, group discussions, group work, the participants we’ll get familiar with the principles, methods and approaches of the GCE idea implementation.

Activity 3  “Touch the World Happening ” –  one-day event with at least 100 participants.

Тhe project main stakeholders are (target group):

  • Teachers and directors from preschool and school education 25 people
  • Representatives of the local business in Silistra – 10 people
  • Parents – 10
  • Representatives of NGOs – 5.

Expected results: 

  • Conducted Information campaign among the population in Silistra municipality to promote the project idea and the the concept of GCE.
  • 50 participants (teachers and managers  of kindergartens and primary schools institutions, representatives of the business sector, NGOs, parents) trained in the principles of GCE.

Project name: DEE – Diversity, Equality and inclusion in pre-primary education and care: a gender perspective

Funded by: The European Commission under Erasmus + programme, K2 Strategic Partnerships for school education

Implementation period: 02.11.2017 – 01.05.2020

The project is implemented by PROVINCIA AUTONOMA DI TRENTO in partnership with Alliance for regional and civil initiatives (ARCI), Bulgaria, University of Trento, (Università degli Studi di Trento), Italy, The Institute for Masculinity Studies and Gender Research (Verein für Männer- und Geschlechterthemen Steiermark), Austria, and Save the Child in Styria (Rettet-das-Kind-Steiermark), Austria. (more…)