Project name: “Leadership and motivation – vocation or profession”,
2007CB16IPO007 – 2012 – 3 – 42
Period of implementation: 19.12.2013 – 18.12.2014
Funded by: Bulgaria-FYROM IPA Cross-border Programme, CCI Number: 2007CB16IPO007
The project partners were: Alliance for regional and civil initiatives (ARCI) – Blagoevgrad branch and Foundation for small and medium enterprises development – Kumanovo, FYROM
Overall objective:
“To support territorial cohesion, competitiveness and development sustainability by supporting the cooperation, cohesion among people and communities, improving quality of life and effective use of public resources.” (more…)
Elaboration of tourist packages for promotion of cultural heritage in the region Haskovo – Kirklareli
January 11, 2016
Project name: “Cultural heritage – asset for cross border cohesion and prosperity”, 2007CB16IPO008 – 2011 – 2 – 022;
Specific project objectives are:
Strengthening the cross-border cooperation through establishment of new joint cultural products and services in the Haskovo-Kirklareli region;
Establishment of information network for development and promotion of common cultural heritage;
Valorisation of cultural resources through ICT usage.
Project name: Equal employment opportunities, 2007CB16IPO008-2009-1-070
Specific project objectives are:
- Improvement of the qualification and adaptivity of human resources and increasing of employment possibilities;
- Introduction of new, innovative electronic forms of vocational computer training;
- Creation of sustainable partnerships between educational institutions, organisations of the labour market and business in the cross-border region;
Social cohesion through investments in Human resources, 2007CB16IPO007 – 2011 – 2 – 12
Period of implementation: 23.07.2012 – 22.07.2013
Funded by: Bulgaria-FYROM IPA Cross-border Programme, CCI Number: 2007CB16IPO007
The project partners are: Alliance for regional and civil initiatives (ARCI) – Blagoevgrad branch and Foundation for small and medium enterprises development – Kumanovo, FYROM
Overall objective:
“Fostering the economic potential and the social cohesion of the cross-border region Blagoevgrad– Kumanovo”
Project name: Electronic challenge for modern education, 2007CB16IPO007-2009-1-011
Specific objectives:
- Improving the quality of services in tourism;
- Introduction of new forms of vocational training in tourism in the cross border region;
- Creating of sustainable partnerships between educational institutions, organizations and businesses in the cross border region.
Project name: One Cross-Border Region – One European Destination, MIS etc code: 643
- Strengthening cross-border cooperation and networking in the sector of alternative tourism;
- Developing and marketing of a joint tourist product of the area Silistra-Calarasi;
- Promoting the image of the region Silistra-Calarasi as a joint destination for alternative tourism, based on the local advantages.
Project name: Organic Farming – a Challenge, or Responsibility for Our Nature, 2007 CB 16IPO006 – 2009 – 1-030
Project objectives:
- To enhance the cohesion across the border, mainly through sustainable innovative practices and educational co-operation related activities;
- To enhance the entrepreneurship and the development of joint Bulgarian-Serbian SMEs in the field of organic agriculture;
- The specific objective is to improve the micro economical climate through enhancing the development of organic agriculture as a sustainable and fast-growing sector in the EU economy.
Study of medicinal plants and derivatives of natural products and supporting cooperation between herb producers
January 5, 2016Project name: “MedPlanet – Network for cooperation between the herb to enhance comparative advantages in cross-border area Calarasi – Silistra for sustainable development”
Financed under the CBC Romania – Bulgaria 2007-2013
Implemented in partnership of five partner organizations, as the Lead partner was the National institute for research and development of biological sciences in Bucharest. Two other institutes participate on the Romanian side as their main task is to demonstrate the scientific feasibility of herb production in Romania and in particular Calarasi County. ARCI- Silistra is a project partner from Bulgarian side together with the” New Age “Alphatar. (more…)
Project name: Green transport – introducing sustainable forms of transport through experience and good practices exchange
Period of implementation: 10.04.2009 – 08.10.2010
The project partners are: Blagoevgrad Municipality, Bulgaria, Alliance for regional and civil initiatives (ARCI), Bulgaria, Szekesfehervar Municipality, Hungary and Alba Regia Ifjusagi es Szabadidos Egyesulet (ARISE), Hungary.
Project objectives:
- To establish an effective partnership between the Municipalities of Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria and Szekesfehervar, Hungary and NGOs partners in order to share best practices in the field of transport and traffic management.
- To analyze opportunities for sustainable transport in the municipality of Blagoevgrad – including the construction of bike lanes, racks, and the introduction of the service “rent – a-bike”.
Име на проекта: “From seeds to bunch and bunch to world”
Финансиран по програма “Младежта в действие”
Проектни партньори: водещ партньор е турска неправителствена организация и партньори от България (АРГИ), Литва, Полша и Естония.
Мисията на проекта е обмен между различни култури, религии и етнически групи, обединени от идеята, че всички ние уповавайки се на корените си, градим и размножаваме даровете на земята.