Project name:“Civil Dialogue for Development”
Description: The project is implemented by the Bulgarian Platform for International Development (BPID) where ARCI is a member in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Bulgaria.
The overall objective of the action is to ensure strong understanding and commitment of the CSOs and the general audience towards EU role in 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals implementation for poverty eradication and sustainable development linked to the priorities of the Bulgarian presidency of EU. In particular focus will be the Sustainable Development Goals 3, 4, 5 and 16 in accordance to the specific expertise of the BPID members.
Financed by: by the European Commission, Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development
The project beneficiaries include other civil society organizations, educators, academia, business structures, and media interested in development cooperation issues. This way is envisaged to be reached a large audience in order to improve the knowledge and understanding of the functioning of the EU related to development as well as the beneficial internal and external effects of the international development collaboration for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and the sustainable development goals. The project will complement some of the planned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs activities related to the Presidency of the Council of EU and will strive to reinforce their impact and will ensure wider awareness.
Period for implementation: November 2017 – October 2018 (more…)
През 2017 г. Сдружение „Алианс за регионални и граждански инициативи” (АРГИ) е вписано в Информационния регистър на одобрените програми за повишаване на квалификацията на педагогическите специалисти на МОН
Участието в нашите програми за обучения и квалификация на педагогически специалисти носи кредити за професионално израстване, за което издаваме удостоверения по Приложение № 14 към чл. 48, ал. 1, т. 1 за присъдени квалификационни кредити по Наредба 12 от 01.09.2016 г. Предлагаме обучения по повече от 50 теми. (more…)
Name of the project: “Different Cultures – Common Values”, Project No ALF/CFP/2015/EDU/91
Period of implementation: 01.09.2016 – 31.08.2017
Funded by: Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for Dialogue between Cultures (ALF)
The project partners are 4 Non-governmental organisations: The lead partner is Alliance for Regional and Civil Initiatives (ARCI), Bulgaria. The organization implements the project in partnership with Future Worlds Center (FWC), Cyprus; Tunisian Association for Cultural Action (ATAC), Tunisia; The Economic Research and Social Solidarity Foundation of the Balkan Immigrants (BISAV), Turkey.
Overall objective:
- To encourage intercultural awareness and mutual understanding among the young people of the Euro-Med region, so that they have respect to the culture specifics and to exchange common values.
Name of the project: Establishing Recognition Network, Contract No TR2011/0135.15-05/02
Period of implementation: 15.02.2016 г. – 15.12.2016 г.
Funded by: the European union through the Civil Society Dialogue Programme: Fourth Phase Grant Scheme
The project partners were 2 Non-governmental organisations: The Economic Research and Social Solidarity Foundation of the Balkan Immigrants (BISAV), Turkey in partnership with Alliance for Regional and Civil Initiatives (ARCI), Bulgaria.
Overall objectives:
- O1 – “To make it easier for the learners to reach for the knowledge about the recognition of qualifications”
- O2 – “To increase qualified employment”
Project title: “Let us learn, let us get involved! Motivation, training and inclusion of inactive youth on the labour market”, Contract No BG05M9OP001-1.002-0065
Period of implementation: 19.04.2016 – 18.04.2017
Funded by: Operational programme „Human resources development“ 2014-2020, scheme “Active” BG05M9OP001-1.002. The procedure is implemented with the financial support of the Youth Employment Initiative and the European Social Fund..
Project partners „Alliance for regional and civil initiatives (ARCI)”, Silistra Municipality and “Stroyproekt” OOD.
Overall objective: Activation and inclusion in employment of youth up to 29 years old from municipality of Silistra, who are willing to develop personally and professionally. (more…)
Project title: “The World from our Doorstep”
Period of implementation: 30.01.2013- 30.01.2016
Funded by: the European commissionthrough the programme “Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development”(Raising public awareness of development issues and promotingDevelopment education in the Еuropean Union and acceding countries)
The project partners are 4 Non-governmental organisations: Cumbria Development Education Centre, united Kingdom in partnership with Alliance for Regional and Civil Initiatives (ARCI), Bulgaria, Future Worlds Center (legal reg. Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute), Cyprus and Institute of Global Responsibility (IGO), Poland (more…)
Project name: “IBIS – Internet Business Information System (Business information network integrated with Database Internet Platform)”, 2007CB16IPO008 – 2013 – 3 – 065
The Project’s overall objective:
“To boost the competitiveness and sustainable economic development of the cross border region and to achieve maximum social and economic cohesion between the border territories developing an Internet Business Information System /IBIS/.”
Project name: Through training and continuity – for better integration of third-country nationals in Bulgarian society
Period of implementation: 05.01.2015 – 30.06.2015
Funded by: European fund for integration of citizens of third countries, CCI BG EIF 2013/01-03.04
Leading organization: Association “ARCI”
Overall objective: To enhance the socio – economic activity and create conditions for the integration of third country immigrants residing in the territory of Sofia Municipality. (more…)
Bridging the Gaps – Integrated business infrastructure and services in the region Silistra – Calarasi
January 14, 2016Project name: “Bridging the Gaps: Integrated cross – border business infrastructure and services in Silistra District – Calarasi County”, 2(4i)-3.1-8, MIS-ETC code 564
Overall objective: To reinforce the conditions for cross-border business cooperation and encourage entrepreneurship in Silistra District – Calarasi County through construction and Integration of cross-border business infrastructure and services.
Specific objectives:
- Improving and integrating cross-border business infrastructure by setting up a Logistics Center for Entrepreneurship Development in Silistra to partner and compliment the functioning of Calarasi Business Center;
- Upgrading and integrating BG-RO business information and service systems in order to enhance joint opportunities for entrepreneurship initiatives;
- Encouraging networking and professional business-service provision by the center teams and the regional economic and social stakeholders
Project name: “Introducing of new forms for intercultural education in “Zdravets” Kindergarten, Ihtiman”
Period of implementation: 30.09.2014 – 30.06.2015
Funded by: Center for Educational Integration of Children and students from ethnic minorities
Lead partner: “Zdravets” Kindergarten, Ihtiman, Partner: Association “ARCI”
The general objective of the project aims at inclusion in the educational system and active work with children from ethnic minorities through ensuring of access to quality education in varied multicultural environment.
The implementation of project activities will support the process of integration of children from the Roma minority and the preservation and development of their cultural identity and to transform the ethno-cultural diversity in a source for joint respect and acquaintance. (more…)